GRIDNET Core 1.2 - The Monumental Release is Now Available

Hello GRIDNET Enthusiasts and Cyber Connoisseurs,

You’ve been patiently (and sometimes not-so-patiently) awaiting the release of GRIDNET Core 1.1.1, hanging onto our every word, digging through our cryptic updates, and possibly attempting some arcane rituals for good measure.

Well, surprise! We’re here to tell you that 1.1.1 isn’t coming.

But don’t panic! Put down that pitchfork! Because while you were waiting for 1.1.1, our tireless team has been brewing up something even better. We’ve been adding so many new features, improvements, and polish to the system, that we’ve just leapfrogged 1.1.1 altogether. That’s right - we’re jumping straight to version 1.2!

Yes, we’ve skipped a beat and a version number to deliver to you the monumental GRIDNET Core 1.2. Imagine a parade of new functionalities, enhancements and bug fixes all marching to the beat of “More! Better! Faster!”

So, buckle up and get ready to explore all the delights of GRIDNET Core 1.2. And as always, keep the feedback, encouragement, (and the impromptu dance breaks) coming!

We’re absolutely thrilled to announce the long-anticipated release of GRIDNET Core version 1.2. This monumental update is one we’ve all been eagerly awaiting, marking a significant milestone in our ongoing journey. Our diligent and committed team has been working around the clock, perfecting this comprehensive update that encompasses far-reaching advancements, enhancements, and improvements.

The scope of changes incorporated into this release is so vast that an exhaustive list would be impractical. But, we’d love to highlight a few key features that represent the incredible depth of work undertaken:

  1. GridScript++: We now support GridScript++, a new object-oriented programming language designed to streamline and enhance the developer experience within the GRIDNET environment and to rival solutions such as Solitdity in Ethereum. Dedicated article available here

  2. Decentralized Voting Additions: a huge update to the decentralized filesystem of GRIDNET OS! Now includes support for integrated decentralized voting mechanisms, with what is important - decentralized access rights’ provisioning - the first thing of such a kind on our planet! Providing the community with greater power and influence. Dedicated article available here

  3. Zero Knowledge Proof Authorization for WebRTC Swarms: Enhancing privacy and security, we’ve incorporated a custom Zero Knowledge Proof Authorization for WebRTC Swarms, taking GRIDNET’s commitment to user privacy to a whole new level.

  4. Checkpoints Mechanics: We’ve integrated robust ‘checkpoints’ mechanics into our system, ensuring the secure and smooth operation of GRIDNET in the face of future updates. Dedicated article available here

  5. Rewritten OpenCL Sub-system: We’ve restructured and optimized our OpenCL subsystem for greater efficiency and performance. It was tested thoroughly across Intel/NVIDIA and AMD GPUs and CPUs.

  6. Improved NAT Traversal & Peer Discovery: Enhancements have been made to facilitate better NAT traversal and peer discovery, promising a more seamless and intuitive user experience. Now, we’ve tested GRIDNET Core 1.2 in dozens if network configurations arriving at wonderful results, hopefully it works for you as well!

  7. Improved Autonomous configuration: nodes are now way more inteligent during the autonomous bootstrap phase. All it takes is to launch the executable.

  8. New Network Diagnostics Mode: in this mode GRIDNET Core would be performing network analysis only allowing Operators to investigate any issues.

  9. New GridScript 1.0 utilities additions and improvements to GridScript 1.0 utiltiies - including the ‘chain’ utility which effectively facilitates a blockchain explorer. More info here.

  10. Improved Self-Diagnostics there’s now an additional self-diagnostics phase during each bootstrap of GRIDNET Core which aims to test the OpenCL sub-system (all the CPUs and GPUs). In other words, just after few seconds the software is launched it would proceed straight to ‘mining’ of artificial data, just like it would had it been trying to win the Proof-of-Work race within the network. It would autonomously detect issues with drivers, suggest you to update these etc. By the end of this a detailed report is shown.

  11. Other Performance Enhancements & Bug Fixes: Innumerable additions, improvements, and bug fixes have been made, including significant performance enhancements that make GRIDNET faster and more robust than ever.

You can download the latest version of GRIDNET Core at this location:

We cannot overstate our appreciation for your continued support and feedback. It is your passion that fuels our commitment to making GRIDNET the ultimate decentralized operating system. We hope you’re as excited as we are about these updates and we can’t wait to hear your thoughts.

Here’s to the future of GRIDNET and the endless possibilities we’re unlocking together!

Happy explorations!

For those willing to become Operators here is a brief Tutorial which would get you going.

Hello there, GRIDNET Connoisseurs and Command-Line Comrades,

This is Major. Yeah, you know, the one who’s always behind the scenes ensuring our grand GRIDNET machine purrs like a well-fed cat. Today, I come bearing gifts. The kind that makes your life easier, and our network stronger. A kind of… digital care package, if you will.

I’ve put together a ZIP file that’s packed tighter than a can of sardines with our official batch scripts. These babies are what we use on our official nodes to install GRIDNET Core as a service. Yeah, that’s right. We’re open-sourcing our secret sauce.

Now, how to handle these scripts, you ask? It’s as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Extract the ZIP file to the same location you have the “GRIDNET Core.msi” file (sourced from the usual release location).

  2. Behold, the “updateAndInstallAsService.bat”. This BAT’s got more muscle than a bodybuilder convention. Double-tap it, and it’ll not only install GRIDNET Core as a service but also ensure that it’s started on each reboot, the mining operations auto-start, and your computer never catches a wink of sleep. This BAT is so potent, it could probably bench press a server. Use it wisely.

  3. The other two batch files in our mighty trio are “update.bat” and “installService.bat”. The former takes care of updating, while the latter installs GRIDNET Core as a service.

But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. If you’ve run the “updateAndInstallAsService.bat”, you won’t see any UI. To see the terminal mode, you’ll have to manually disable the GRIDNET Core service in windows settings. Perfect for those nodes operating 24/7.

So, there you go. Take these batch scripts, use them wisely, and may the force of the GRIDNET be with you!

IMPORTANT Warning: Operators! You do NOT actually need this.

Explanation: Regarding ‘updateAndInstallAsService.bat’ and ‘installService.bat’- proceed with caution these are for advanced users only. This is only for those who are after an autonomous unassisted installation of GRIDNET Core which is to run on target computers 24/7. Autonomous in what way? Doble click a BAT file and forget about it. It would take care of killing current version of GRIDNET Core, removing the current service, updating etc.

The computer is ‘infected’ and running and … it would be running at all times as long as it has juice to keep going. For all the other (unseasoned) Operators, download the usual installation and run it. With the usual installer, the system is 100% autonomous anyway, in 99% there wouldn’t be a need to configure anything with the usual installation or after launching GRIDNET Core from UI anyway. It just wouldn’t be running as a Service (invisible, starting autonomously even before any user logs on etc.).

Yes, if you use the package I’ve provided GRIDNET Core would be started as user System even before any user logs on into the system. You’ve been warned. How to remove it? launch ‘services.msc’ on Windows from command line and simply disable the GRIDNET service. That’s it.

Autonomous (145.2 KB)

Good Job Team. Keep pushing. Let me know if you need anything.

How do I handle this please?

@coinsgaga let me assist.

according to information available in Brief Introductory for Operatos

execute the ‘sct testnet’ command to make sure you are operating on the realm of the Test-Net.

otherwise you are trying to execute ifconfig in the ‘realm’ of ‘localhost’ and by default Network Manager is not available.

When using Virtual Terminal over SSH, it takes you to the Test Net realm by default, when running a node of your own, and when accessing terminal through the executable - that is not the case and one needs to selet the realm manually.

Yeah that did it. Thanks.
So i have a concern right now. What if I lose power while updating the blockchain, do I have to start all over?

Hey @coinsgaga,

So, your power cuts out mid-update? Don’t sweat it! GRIDNET Core is tougher than a cockroach surviving a nuclear blast! Here’s why you’re safe:

  1. Previous blocks are like a grandma’s china: we treat them with care. They’re accessed in read-only mode, meaning a power outage won’t damage them any more than a blackout can shatter porcelain. :amphora:

  2. Just like a dedicated detective, GRIDNET Core inspects its data’s integrity every time it boots up. It checks out every nook and cranny of the system and stored data. If it finds something fishy (say, at the exact block your power went out), it’ll pick up from there and keep on trucking. :male_detective:

  3. GRIDNET Core has some “Sherlock Holmes” level smarts built in. It can self-recover critical data structures even if they were disrupted by a power cut. You know how a detective would find that single missing puzzle piece? Yeah, GRIDNET’s got the same knack. :jigsaw:

All in all, GRIDNET Core can take a punch. Or a power outage. Or a sudden reboot. It’s as sturdy as a mountain, reliable as a Swiss watch, and as stubborn as a mule. You can yank its power cord, throw reboots at it, heck, you can even shout at it - and it’ll get right back up and carry on like nothing happened.

So, power failure? Bring it on! :muscle:

Keep those lights on (or off, we don’t care :wink:),
Your resilient GRIDNET Team

I can imagine the atmosphere when you guys work together. It sure will be an environment filled with magic …and humor! The personalities I have interacted with so far are just so awesome.
Thanks for yor response @PauliX. Its really good to know that the Gridnet core is so resilient, this is important to me because i live in a country where power supply is very erratic.

How long do I have to wait for sync to reach 97 to 99 percent before mining begins? I have been at this for more than 6hrs through several power outages i must add.

Hi all ,very happy that the update has arrived ,well done!

I have a query/question given that I have the previous version already installed which knows my current address id, am I required to uninstall the previous version and do a clean install of core 1.2, if so will that effect the id relationship with core and phone app address key ,id etc. What I mean is would I lose my current id which would be replaced by a newly generated address private key etc on the mobile app.

We’re glad to hear your enthusiasm about the update!

In regards to your question - No, you don’t need to worry about losing your current ID, address, private key, or any other data associated with your wallet or the decentralized state machine. When you update or even uninstall GRIDNET Core, your app-data (which includes your wallet information and the state of the decentralized state machine) remains untouched.

The app-data is stored in a separate directory that persists independently of the installed software. This directory, whose location is reported during the bootstrap sequence, is separate from the ‘Program Files’ directory on Microsoft Windows.

Think of it like uninstalling a database software - the actual databases are stored separately and remain intact even after the software is uninstalled.

So, you can proceed with updating to GRIDNET Core 1.2.1 without any worries about losing your existing data. Your ID and other key data will remain as it is.

Happy updating!

Thank you CodesInChaos :slightly_smiling_face: