As you might know I rarely post around here.
This story was brought to me by @CodesInChaos, and to him in turn, it was brought by ‘Redditors’ one of whom cooperated with @CodesInChaos in writing one of the articles published recently over at the GRIDNET Magazine - A Brief Introductory for Operators.
The ‘Redditor’ , let’s call him Jake, went ahead and published an invitation for everyone to see at /r/technology.
The post quickly gained traction, after just a few minutes though to all of his surprise, it was removed without any notice. So Jake - surprised by this sudden turn of actions, knowing the amount of effort they put into writing the article, he decided to e-mail administrators of /r/technology as soon as he returned from his daily job.
The conversation follows:
(…) when you wanted to post on ‘Reddit’, but their admins tell you that your parents haven’t hugged you enough (…)
Another Redditor let’s call her Janny, seeing all this, started a thread over at Reddit’s main
The sub-thread gained extreme traction all over again with 20K+ views in just a few hours.
I won’t be going much into narrating everything and simply keep posting screen-snippets of some of the posts/replies instead.
First Janny explained what she knew and what was of a concern to her:
Then some of the replies follow:
After being forced to, she referenced one of our research papers:
Some did not hesitate to express their feelings about Reddit:
She got to meet Witchcraft Hunters:
And some very wicked people as well:
Now here comes the funniest of them all; a guy by the nickname of ‘PhyllophagaZz’, the specialist in blockchain technology:
Who suggests our research to be funded by politics or large companies… or special forces or maybe Extraterrestrial Life itself.
In any case, after gaining ~120 upvotes and reaching the top of RedditAsk, the thread got removed by main ‘administrators’ of themselves.
Update [23.12.2022[: the person posting on Reddit reported that all of the sudden, people stopped replying to winter-season posts she was making. She was advised by us to check for what is known as a shadow-ban. Shadow-ban makes the person believe she’s making interaction within the community whereas in fact, nobody is able to see it…
So she proceeded to a website which could be used to verify the status of her account, good fellas provided:
So indeed. An account she used to own for many many years now got ‘shadow-banned’ for posting about a freedom-oriented scientific project.
Now one might wonder - is that the Internet community we want to be living in?
Is Reddit a worthy successor to UseNet ? I’ll leave it up to you, draw your own conclusions.