We're Expanding to Telegram

:loudspeaker: We’re Thrilled to Announce: We’re Expanding to Telegram! :rocket:

We’re always looking for ways to connect more effectively and engage with our amazing community. To facilitate this, we’re delighted to share that we’re in the process of deploying new Telegram-based communities. This means more updates, more discussions, and more ways for you to get involved with GRIDNET OS.

Here’s where you can connect with us:

:newspaper: Main channel (broadcast messages from team only): Stay up-to-date with the latest announcements, news, and updates from the GRIDNET OS team. Join us here: GRIDNET News

:speech_balloon: GRIDNET Talk: Got something related to GRIDNET OS on your mind? Let’s chat! Join our general discussion group: GRIDNET Talk

:wrench: GRIDNET Dev: Are you a developer working on applications running atop of GRIDNET OS? This is your space for all dev-related discussions: GRIDNET Dev

:chart: GRIDNET Trading: Interested in trading discussions? As we’re heading for integration with exchanges, this group will be especially important: GRIDNET Trading

:mag: GRIDNET Support: Need assistance? Our support group is here to help: GRIDNET Support

We encourage all of you to join these channels and engage with us. Let’s take GRIDNET OS to new heights, together! :rocket: