Hello, I have a keychain with multiple sub-identities. All of the identities are working fine (I am able to ssh to a node, logmein, scan QR code (using the old mobile app), check balance, make transfers, sign the transaction, all is well) except 1 specific identity gives errors:
- when logging in to the terminal on any node, after scanning the QR code and being logged in, I type “balance” and received below error:
✅ SUCCESS: Welcome 1UDCXDf787onwKinN6H3mGhVaVdkS9ihr 🙏
Welcome!🦄 Access to local security storage not granted.
You'll need to authenticate with GRIDNETToken🔑 on commit.
1UDCXDf787onwKinN6H3mGhVaVdkS9ihr:/ $ balance
[Balance]: 71.640 GNC
Which accounts for 71640000000000003978 GBUs 💰
[GridScript VM]: Pre-Authentication Modes Failed.
Attempting FAPI Authentication Modes
1UDCXDf787onwKinN6H3mGhVaVdkS9ihr:/ $
- Then if I proceed to make a transaction, when I sign it with mobile app it gives below error:
⚠Warning: An INVALID QRIntent-Response received! :-(
No valid QRIntent-Response received. Aborting transaction..
1UDCXDf787onwKinN6H3mGhVaVdkS9ihr:/ $
Using the new mobile wallet, and loading the keychain into it, I am able to cycle through my different sub-identites, and sync to see their balance fine. However when I reach this specific key, it keeps “Syncing” forever and eventually Hexxi says she cannot connect to nodes.
Note: The API is showing the correct balance
Identity causing the issue: 1UDCXDf787onwKinN6H3mGhVaVdkS9ihr