[Local Peers]: 0 [Remote Peers]: 0. Is this normal or not?

This is part of the logs of my computer with the system running. And I see this text there from time to time:

– Registered Swarms: 1 –

  1. [Local Peers]: 0 [Remote Peers]: 0.

Is this normal or not? Although sometimes I decide the shares. Please check these entries below and tell me if my node is working correctly or not. If necessary, I will add more information, just tell me what it is.

– Registered WebSock Conversations –

[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[Vitals Monitoring]: All looking Good.
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Min. # of objects for block formation: 1
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[Kademlia: Reports] - aware of 29 nodes.
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
worker’s ( NVIDIA-1) task was stopped.
Task 45: finished.
Ultimium: I’m releasing my resources…
Ultimium: released!
Sub-Task 69: finished.
worker’s ( NVIDIA-1) task was stopped.
Task 45: finished.
[Local:GRIDNET]: Average Mhps (NVIDIA-1) average Mhps: 122.923292
[Local:GRIDNET]: initializing worker: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER (cloned) ( NVIDIA-1 )
[Local:GRIDNET]: NVIDIA-1 is warming up…
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Proof-of-Work Loop Failed.
[Mining]: Aiming to generate a key block at height: 89632
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Operating Identity:1MCvT99EFx2jEZRNkJMRTr4g1nxw3X7tTs
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: An attempt to form a block is commencing…
[Mining]: Preparing mining task at Target Difficulty: 620127.346783 Min Difficulty: 620.127347
Task 47: enqueued.
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Commencing Proof-of-Work computations…
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)

– Registered Swarms: 1 –

  1. [Local Peers]: 0 [Remote Peers]: 0

QUIC connection shutdown initiated for IP: [Abruptly]: Yes

Ultimium: Device Capabilities Report

Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Device: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER
Version: OpenCL 3.0 CUDA
Compute Units: 66
Local Memory: 48KB
Max Allocation: 4093MB
Max Work Group Size: 1024
SIMD Width: 32
Kernel ID: AbMCPve1igWDiFPCQou7oTKxux

Ultimium: Retrieved optimized program from cache for NVIDIA-1
Ultimium: Kernel Analysis Report

SIMD Width: 32
Using Cached Program

Kernel ‘shavite’:
Using kernel’s preferred multiple: 32
Initial Max Work Group Size: 256
Preferred Multiple: 32
Local Memory Required: 0KB
Final Aligned Size: 256
Current Global Max: 256

Kernel ‘keccak’:
Using kernel’s preferred multiple: 32
Initial Max Work Group Size: 256
Preferred Multiple: 32
Local Memory Required: 0KB
Final Aligned Size: 256
Current Global Max: 256

Kernel ‘hamsi’:
Using kernel’s preferred multiple: 32
Initial Max Work Group Size: 256
Preferred Multiple: 32
Local Memory Required: 0KB
Final Aligned Size: 256
Current Global Max: 256

Kernel ‘blake’:
Using kernel’s preferred multiple: 32
Initial Max Work Group Size: 256
Preferred Multiple: 32
Local Memory Required: 0KB
Final Aligned Size: 256
Current Global Max: 256

Kernel ‘jh’:
Using kernel’s preferred multiple: 32
Initial Max Work Group Size: 256
Preferred Multiple: 32
Local Memory Required: 0KB
Final Aligned Size: 256
Current Global Max: 256

Kernel ‘skein’:
Using kernel’s preferred multiple: 32
Initial Max Work Group Size: 256
Preferred Multiple: 32
Local Memory Required: 0KB
Final Aligned Size: 256
Current Global Max: 256

Final Configuration:
Global Max Work Group Size: 256
SIMD Width Alignment: 32
Final Work Group Size: 256
Memory Constraints Applied: 48KB available
Step Size: 3353600
Max Step Size: 16768512

Ultimium: Using cached program with optimized configuration
Sub-Task 93: prepared.
NVIDIA-1 is now working…
Activating a prepared task.
Task 61: being worked on. (reported by a sub-task)
Sub-Task 93: being worked on.
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)

– Registered WebSock Conversations –

[Network Manager]: Network Threads:4
[Kademlia: Reports] - aware of 29 nodes.
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
NVIDIA-1 PoW Found! :sparkles: [ How Close ]: 0.31% :snail: Even a snail’s pace is still progress!
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
NVIDIA-1 PoW Found! :sparkles: [ How Close ]: 0.42% :snail: Even a snail’s pace is still progress!
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
Outgress QUIC conversation with has begun.
QUIC connection established with

When posting logs kindly use the ‘code block’ feature as I did above. This ensures proper formatting is preserved.

The above is related to GRIDNET OS’ WebRTC Swarms sub-system (cross web-browser communication). The part you’ve posted simply says your node currently is not aiding any computers communicate with each other over this technology.

Let me take a closer look.

Key Observations:

  1. Peer Connection Status:
  • Shows [Local Peers]: 0 [Remote Peers]: 0 multiple times - buy yet again - nothing to worry here it’s related to WebRTC.
  • later in the log it shows:
    • [Kademlia: Reports] - aware of 29 nodes
    • QUIC connection established with
    • This suggests the node is discovering peers
  1. Mining Activity:
  • The node appears to be mining actively:
    • Average hashrate: ~122.92 MH/s on NVIDIA RTX 4070 Ti SUPER
    • Finding PoW solutions (albeit with low percentages: 0.31% and 0.42%)
    • Target block height: 89632
    • Target difficulty: 620127.346783
  1. Transaction Processing:
  • Regular messages about “Collected enough processable objects: 2” - your. node is collecting transactions from the Network
  • Operating Identity shown: 1MCvT99EFx2jEZRNkJMRTr4g1nxw3X7tTs
  • One “Proof-of-Work Loop Failed” message, but this is normal during mining
  1. Hardware Configuration:
  • GPU is properly initialized with OpenCL 3.0 CUDA
  • All kernels (shavite, keccak, hamsi, blake, jh, skein) are properly configured
  • Memory and work group sizes are appropriately set

Assessment: Your node appears to be working correctly overall. Log shows successful peer discovery (29 nodes) and QUIC connections being established. The mining operation is functioning properly with regular PoW attempts.

Looking Good.