This is part of the logs of my computer with the system running. And I see this text there from time to time:
– Registered Swarms: 1 –
- [Local Peers]: 0 [Remote Peers]: 0.
Is this normal or not? Although sometimes I decide the shares. Please check these entries below and tell me if my node is working correctly or not. If necessary, I will add more information, just tell me what it is.
– Registered WebSock Conversations –
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[Vitals Monitoring]: All looking Good.
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Min. # of objects for block formation: 1
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[Kademlia: Reports] - aware of 29 nodes.
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
worker’s ( NVIDIA-1) task was stopped.
Task 45: finished.
Ultimium: I’m releasing my resources…
Ultimium: released!
Sub-Task 69: finished.
worker’s ( NVIDIA-1) task was stopped.
Task 45: finished.
[Local:GRIDNET]: Average Mhps (NVIDIA-1) average Mhps: 122.923292
[Local:GRIDNET]: initializing worker: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER (cloned) ( NVIDIA-1 )
[Local:GRIDNET]: NVIDIA-1 is warming up…
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Proof-of-Work Loop Failed.
[Mining]: Aiming to generate a key block at height: 89632
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Operating Identity:1MCvT99EFx2jEZRNkJMRTr4g1nxw3X7tTs
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: An attempt to form a block is commencing…
[Mining]: Preparing mining task at Target Difficulty: 620127.346783 Min Difficulty: 620.127347
Task 47: enqueued.
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Commencing Proof-of-Work computations…
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
– Registered Swarms: 1 –
- [Local Peers]: 0 [Remote Peers]: 0
QUIC connection shutdown initiated for IP: [Abruptly]: Yes
Ultimium: Device Capabilities Report
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Device: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER
Version: OpenCL 3.0 CUDA
Compute Units: 66
Local Memory: 48KB
Max Allocation: 4093MB
Max Work Group Size: 1024
SIMD Width: 32
Kernel ID: AbMCPve1igWDiFPCQou7oTKxux
Ultimium: Retrieved optimized program from cache for NVIDIA-1
Ultimium: Kernel Analysis Report
SIMD Width: 32
Using Cached Program
Kernel ‘shavite’:
Using kernel’s preferred multiple: 32
Initial Max Work Group Size: 256
Preferred Multiple: 32
Local Memory Required: 0KB
Final Aligned Size: 256
Current Global Max: 256
Kernel ‘keccak’:
Using kernel’s preferred multiple: 32
Initial Max Work Group Size: 256
Preferred Multiple: 32
Local Memory Required: 0KB
Final Aligned Size: 256
Current Global Max: 256
Kernel ‘hamsi’:
Using kernel’s preferred multiple: 32
Initial Max Work Group Size: 256
Preferred Multiple: 32
Local Memory Required: 0KB
Final Aligned Size: 256
Current Global Max: 256
Kernel ‘blake’:
Using kernel’s preferred multiple: 32
Initial Max Work Group Size: 256
Preferred Multiple: 32
Local Memory Required: 0KB
Final Aligned Size: 256
Current Global Max: 256
Kernel ‘jh’:
Using kernel’s preferred multiple: 32
Initial Max Work Group Size: 256
Preferred Multiple: 32
Local Memory Required: 0KB
Final Aligned Size: 256
Current Global Max: 256
Kernel ‘skein’:
Using kernel’s preferred multiple: 32
Initial Max Work Group Size: 256
Preferred Multiple: 32
Local Memory Required: 0KB
Final Aligned Size: 256
Current Global Max: 256
Final Configuration:
Global Max Work Group Size: 256
SIMD Width Alignment: 32
Final Work Group Size: 256
Memory Constraints Applied: 48KB available
Step Size: 3353600
Max Step Size: 16768512
Ultimium: Using cached program with optimized configuration
Sub-Task 93: prepared.
NVIDIA-1 is now working…
Activating a prepared task.
Task 61: being worked on. (reported by a sub-task)
Sub-Task 93: being worked on.
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
– Registered WebSock Conversations –
[Network Manager]: Network Threads:4
[Kademlia: Reports] - aware of 29 nodes.
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
NVIDIA-1 PoW Found! [ How Close ]: 0.31%
Even a snail’s pace is still progress!
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
NVIDIA-1 PoW Found! [ How Close ]: 0.42%
Even a snail’s pace is still progress!
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
[TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Collected enough processable objects: 2)
Outgress QUIC conversation with has begun.
QUIC connection established with