Instability of GPUs

As discussed on Discord, please provide

  • logs in code-blocks below (use image)
  • GPU model
  • windows version
  • driver version
  • ensure you are running as Admin (execute whoami to verify)
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Hey there! I am having the same problem, every 5 to 8-9 minutes, sub-task is aborted. Encountered the problem a couple of times in the last few days but since today it is constantly popping

 [Network Manager]: Network Threads:100
 Sub-Task 40: in need for a re-work.
 worker's ( NVIDIA-1) task was stopped.
 Sub-Task 40: aborted.
 worker's ( NVIDIA-1) task was stopped.
 [Local:GRIDNET]: Average Mhps (NVIDIA-1) average Mhps:  10.744445
 [Local:GRIDNET]: initializing worker: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 (cloned) ( NVIDIA-1 )
 [Local:GRIDNET]: NVIDIA-1 is warming up..
 [Kademlia: Reports] - aware of 40 nodes.
 [UDT Error] for: UDT(4YfGgSQN4PCJVmqUC)  Reason: Connection was broken
 Ingress UDT conversation with has begun.
 [DSM Sync]:  block header received from is of interest. Requesting chain-proof now..
 [UDT Error] for: UDT(5RugNRa9fKYiKiizr)  Reason: Connection was broken
 Ingress UDT conversation with has begun.
 [Chain-Proof]: Preliminary analysis of the received chain-proof
 About to process a long chain-proof. Status will be shown..
 about to verify a long chain-proof  (37294 elements). Status will be reported.
 [Chain Proof]:  no need to update the history of events.
 [Local:GRIDNET]: worker NVIDIA-1 is now ready.
 [Local:Work Manager]: Warning: A potential dead-lock situation for computational task (yorDvfKzYj3gpie46y9buaGwR2pJGM8eCoQNCWQ2gQXsE8uoV) detected. Issuing it a warning..
 worker's ( NVIDIA-1) task was stopped.
 Ultimium: I'm releasing my resources..
 Ultimium: released!
 [Local:GRIDNET]: Average Mhps (NVIDIA-1) average Mhps:  10.744445
 [Local:GRIDNET]: initializing worker: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 (cloned) ( NVIDIA-1 )
 [Local:GRIDNET]: NVIDIA-1 is warming up..
 [UDT Error] for: UDT(4a2XA6K4R9bAoGL9j)  Reason: Connection was broken
 Ingress UDT conversation with has begun.
 [UDT Error] for: UDT(2FYrpwnE8wS6TYiYH)  Reason: Connection was broken
 Ingress UDT conversation with has begun.
 [Local:GRIDNET]: worker NVIDIA-1 is now ready.
 [Local:Work Manager]: Warning: A potential dead-lock situation for computational task (yorDvfKzYj3gpie46y9buaGwR2pJGM8eCoQNCWQ2gQXsE8uoV) detected. Issuing it a warning..
 [Local:Work Manager]: Warning: A potential dead-lock situation for computational task (yorDvfKzYj3gpie46y9buaGwR2pJGM8eCoQNCWQ2gQXsE8uoV) detected. Issuing it a warning..
 [UDT Error] for: UDT(3nyhHhKicZ7tAyi2)  Reason: Connection was broken
 [Local:Work Manager]: Warning: A potential dead-lock situation for computational task (yorDvfKzYj3gpie46y9buaGwR2pJGM8eCoQNCWQ2gQXsE8uoV) detected. Issuing it a warning..
 Ingress UDT conversation with has begun.
 [Local:Work Manager]: Warning: Unresolved dead-lock situation detected for task yorDvfKzYj3gpie46y9buaGwR2pJGM8eCoQNCWQ2gQXsE8uoV within Work-Manager. Aborting faulty-task..
 Sub-Task 39: aborted.
 [TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Proof-of-Work Loop Failed.
 [TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Max nr. of my identities has been reached. Cycling back..
 [TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Aiming to generate a key block at height: 37476
 [TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Operating Identity:1F8SvXMMQCvTt6Wq4LEiggKnRSseZxse2o
 [TestNet:Transaction Manager]: An attempt to form a block is commencing..
 [Mining]: Preparing mining task at difficulty: 3563405.481289
 Sub-Task 41: enqued.
 [TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Commencing Proof-of-Work computations..
 [Local:Work Manager]:  Work 41 was divided into 1 parts. IDs:  TmRHPgrDRfgJ2Eb6NfsYEDRRaBNeYJMkspcjaZjhqFtdVKgK5 ShortID:42```