Hello, everyone!

A new member here. I hope your day is treating you well.

P.S. Is the Special Welcome Package still available?

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Hello @legend_wars,

Welcome to the GRIDNET Forum! We’re glad to have you here. I trust you’re finding everything to your liking so far.

Regarding your question, yes, the Special Welcome Package is indeed still available! We’re excited to provide you with some crypto assets to get you started on your journey with us.

To proceed, we’ll need your GRIDNET OS Wallet address. If you haven’t already set up your wallet, you’ll first need to download our mobile app. It’s available for both iOS and Android devices.

Once you’ve installed the app, you’ll be greeted by Hexi, our AI-aided voice assistant. Hexi will guide you through the process of setting up your wallet, making it a breeze. After the setup, you’ll be able to find your wallet address, which you’ll need to provide to us here.

Looking forward to your active participation in our community and your contributions to our discussions. Don’t hesitate to ask if you have more questions!

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@legend_wars here is an overview of the mobile app.

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I have lost access to my previous account at 1Ky2ZVLaQWUmAYqtrwShVtHYqHJY8PbPZx after a while of having not visited the mobile app. I was told that the account was awarded the reward coins worth 250 USD, and, I suppose, was bound with my Gridnet ID. I would appreciate it greatly if you could rebind my Gridnet ID to the following wallet address and reassign the reward coins. Thank you so much for your assistance!

Gridnet ID: GRID_3411855

Address: 18Uay8VZ31B7Q7YwQMt8bNz9vA98Godk2h

@legend_wars the Welcome Package applies only to new users who sign-up at GRIDNET Talk.

In addition, we do not have the ability to reassign assets from one account to another as that is beyond of our control, the system is decentralized - we have no control over users’ accounts what so ever.

With the above said, we will issue the Welcome Package to your account provided.

Please keep your private key safe. If you loose it, the corresponding assets would be ultimately lost.

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Is the Special Welcome Package still available? Thank you.

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@bobnymous As of now it is not but we are are ‘air-dropping’ anyway! In our case please do expect the 50 USDT worth of tokens plus two additional bonuses for 1) reporting issue with the mail server 2) reporting an issue with mobile app on Android 13.