Heartfelt Gratitude to Our Esteemed GRIDNET OS Investors

Dear Investors,

As we pause to reflect upon the astounding journey of the GRIDNET OS - the world’s pioneering decentralized operating system - our hearts brim with overwhelming gratitude. Today, as we pen down these words, it’s not merely a letter, but an outpouring of appreciation, acknowledgment, and boundless thanks to each one of you.

We are thrilled and humbled to announce that our second, and final, investment round concluded in a manner beyond our most optimistic projections. To have seen it wrap up in just around 24 hours, with the majority of assets being snapped up in the very opening moments, speaks volumes of the collective trust and belief you’ve vested in us, and in the transformative potential of GRIDNET OS.

The demand, once again, surpassed supply by a significant margin. We are deeply honored by the fervent interest that each of you displayed, and while we are elated at the overwhelming response, we also recognize that not everyone could seize assets during this round.

For those who couldn’t secure a stake this time, fret not. We are kickstarting the Over The Counter trades (OTC) in the coming days, offering yet another opportunity to be part of this monumental project. We urge everyone to stay tuned for more granular information on this front.

Additionally, we realize there’s a palpable anticipation surrounding the intricate facets of GRIDNET’s OTC trading details. Keeping our commitment to transparency and engagement, we are excited to share that a comprehensive updated Tokenomics simulation is under wraps. This simulation, which intriguingly projects our vision for the next 40 years (and yes, that’s no typo!), encompassing pivotal aspects like inflation, will be unveiled tomorrow. We believe this will offer profound insights and clarity about the journey ahead, especially important to those of you interested in acquiring GNC, as of course – the Journey has just only begun!

Think of GNC as the assets backing one of the most sophisticated decentralized systems on our planet. With broad ambition to allow decentralized applications and services, of every imaginable sort – a Reality! These are no empty words. The current unprecedented results, the technology – it is ready to be taken for a test-drive anytime of your choosing. The eco-system is truly open and decentralized, meaning everyone can participate on same grounds as anyone else.

Your faith, your support, and your unwavering belief in our mission propels us. With GRIDNET OS, together, we are pioneering a future where decentralized applications and services aren’t just concepts but the norm. We’re crafting an ecosystem that’s fertile for innovation, security, and boundless potential. Whether you’ve invested or not, remember, there exists a golden opportunity to be an Operator, championing the mission and securing our burgeoning network.

To everyone who has been part of this journey, who has spread the word, believed in the vision, and championed the cause, Thank You. Your belief is our strength. As we tread ahead, it’s not just a technological revolution we’re scripting; it’s a testament to collective belief, collaborative efforts, and shared dreams.
In the spirit of decentralization and with hearts full of gratitude,

The GRIDNET OS Team :globe_with_meridians:

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