GRIDNET Core 1.4.7 Release Notes

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:globe_with_meridians: Welcome to a Milestone Achievement in the GRIDNET OS Journey!

We are thrilled to unveil GRIDNET Core Version 1.4.7, a monumental leap in our relentless pursuit of decentralized excellence. This release is more than just an update; it’s a testament to our unwavering commitment to revolutionizing the way we interact with digital spaces, ensuring security, efficiency, and above all, maintaining the ethos of decentralization.

:rocket: Empowering Operators: The Vanguard of Our Network

Our Operators, the heartbeat of the GRIDNET ecosystem, are set to experience unparalleled advancements in operational efficiency and security. With this update, we reinforce our network, making it more resilient against multifaceted attacks and technical challenges.

:bulb: What’s New in 1.4.7?

From groundbreaking enhancements in Multi GPU support, especially for the NVIDIA GeForce 4090 setups, to robust new features in our GridScript utilities, each change is meticulously crafted. The introduction of the ‘chainproof’ utility marks a significant step towards advanced identity management, and our enhanced error handling mechanisms ensure smooth and reliable operations.

:shield: Facing Challenges Head-On

In the digital realm, challenges are inevitable. But it’s how we respond that defines us. This update is our response to the myriad of challenges we’ve faced – a combination of technical prowess and community feedback, leading to an OS that’s not just robust, but also dynamic and user-centric.

:star2: Join Us on This Revolutionary Path

As we deploy GRIDNET Core Version 1.4.7, we invite you to join us in this exciting phase of our journey. With every update, we move closer to realizing our vision of a fully decentralized world where technology serves the greater good, upholding the principles of freedom and innovation.

We encourage our Operators and community members to delve into the detailed release notes. Understanding these changes is key to fully harnessing the power of GRIDNET OS. Together, let’s continue to build, innovate, and shape the future of decentralized computing.

:closed_lock_with_key: Your Role in This Epochal Change

Your participation, feedback, and dedication are what fuel this project. As you adapt to these updates, remember that you are part of a larger movement – one that champions freedom, security, and decentralization.

GRIDNET Core 1.4.7 - Forging the future, one update at a time. :rocket:

New Features

  1. Chainproof GridScript Utility: This new utility enhances identity management by allowing import and export of private keys. It also supports activation and deactivation of identities using nested private keys. A detailed manual page is available for further guidance (chainproof -help).

  2. Whoami Utility Update: A new column has been added to the ‘whoami’ GridScript utility, providing an estimated timeframe for asset unlocking.

  3. OpenCL Multi GPU Support Enhancements:

    • Parallel Compilation: Core now compiles programs/kernels for all detected GPUs simultaneously.
    • Asynchronous Tracking: Compilation progress is tracked asynchronously, with periodic updates every 30 minutes to support operators during lengthy processes.
    • Enhanced GPU Compartmentation: Improved isolation between GPUs, even from the same manufacturer, like NVIDIA.
    • Individualized Optimization: OpenCL program optimization is now specific to each GPU, regardless of shared chipset.
    • Kernel Storage and Retrieval: Resolved issues concerning storage and retrieval of compiled and optimized OpenCL kernels.
  4. Enhanced Multi NVIDIA GeForce 4090 Support: Specialized improvements for systems with multiple NVIDIA GeForce 4090 GPUs.

  5. Blockchain Explorer Capabilities in RESTful API: The getBlock command now includes transaction-related information, enhancing third-party blockchain explorer functionalities.

  6. File Manager UI dApp: Enhanced to display nested objects more effectively.

  7. Decentralized Proxy Services: Full availability of decentralized proxy services in GRIDNET OS, making the internal web-browser UI dApp operational.

  8. RESTful API Validation: Comprehensive revalidation of the RESTful API, ensuring functionalities like ‘sendTX’ operate as expected.

  9. Balance Command Update: Now displays locked assets and key-block height until release, along with an estimated time for asset release.

  10. eMeeting UI dApp Security: Strengthened against XSS attacks, acknowledging IFreezeNO’s contribution in our Eternal Wallpaper hall of fame.

  11. Chain GridScript Utility Upgrade: Capable of estimating the global network’s computational power and projecting operator earnings and key block production time.

  12. DNS Integration with Core: Core now fetches official bootstrap nodes from the DNS, reducing reliance on hardcoded addresses. This feature is integrated with the Liveness Monitoring system.

  13. Chain Stats Command: Reports estimated global hash-rate and smarter autonomous network condition reporting.

  14. Cold Storage Synchronization Improvements: Enhanced stability in synchronization processes at Cold Storage.

  15. Resync -Local Utility: A new feature in the resync utility allows network resynchronization without external Heaviest Chain Proof delivery, particularly useful in lockdown synchronization modes under attack scenarios or difficult network conditions.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  1. LS GridScript Command: Resolved a bug affecting data throttling during directory content display.

  2. Chain Stats Bug Fix: Corrected an issue where block height was incorrectly used instead of timestamps.

  3. Hard Fork Protocol Enhancement: Improved the Hard Fork Protocol and its semi-automated mechanics.

  4. Chain Flush Verification: Implemented verification access to local settings during chain flush processes.

  5. Enhanced Node Connectivity Logic: Fresh nodes now prioritize connectivity with bootstrap nodes until initial heaviest chain proof is accepted.

  6. Improved Mobile App Support: Added support for fractional values.

  7. Chain Flush Command: Operators can now flush chain-proofs to Cold Storage on demand.

  8. Whoami Command Update: Now indicates if operating as an administrator on the native OS.

  9. Chain Utility Statistics: Enhanced ‘chain’ utility to provide detailed Proof-of-Work difficulty statistics and predictions.

  10. Net Command for Bootstrap Node: GridScript method allowing operators to use ‘net’ command with a ‘boot’ argument for bootstrap node management.

  11. Support for Forks: Improved handling of forks, acknowledging community reports.

  12. Decentralized UI Maintenance Screen: Enhanced display during RESTful API queries and Decentralized Storage API use.

  13. HTTP API Booting Status: Improved booting status visibility when using HTTP APIs during bootstrap sequences.

  14. Cold Storage Space Warning: Added low space warnings in Vitals Monitoring.

  15. Transactions Utility Fix: Resolved an issue with the ‘transactions’ utility not showing transactions under certain conditions.

  16. Miner’s Key-Chain Export: Added functionality for exporting miner’s key-chains.

  17. Operating Identity Setting: Enhanced functionality for setting the operating identity within the key-chain.

  18. Active Identity Display in WhoAmI: Now shows the active identity derived from the Master Key Chain.

  19. Heaviest Chain Proof Verification Progress: Addressed issues in displaying verification progress.

  20. Core Stability Fix: Fixed a crash issue related to RobinHood.h.

  21. HTTP/WWW Sub-System Checks: Added pre-flight checks for internal HTTP/WWW sub-system initialization

New Features

  1. Chainproof GridScript Utility: This new utility enhances identity management by allowing import and export of private keys. It also supports activation and deactivation of identities using nested private keys. A detailed manual page is available for further guidance (chainproof -help).

  2. Whoami Utility Update: A new column has been added to the ‘whoami’ GridScript utility, providing an estimated timeframe for asset unlocking.

  3. OpenCL Multi GPU Support Enhancements:

    • Parallel Compilation: Core now compiles programs/kernels for all detected GPUs simultaneously.
    • Asynchronous Tracking: Compilation progress is tracked asynchronously, with periodic updates every 30 minutes to support operators during lengthy processes.
    • Enhanced GPU Compartmentation: Improved isolation between GPUs, even from the same manufacturer, like NVIDIA.
    • Individualized Optimization: OpenCL program optimization is now specific to each GPU, regardless of shared chipset.
    • Kernel Storage and Retrieval: Resolved issues concerning storage and retrieval of compiled and optimized OpenCL kernels.
  4. Enhanced Multi NVIDIA GeForce 4090 Support: Specialized improvements for systems with multiple NVIDIA GeForce 4090 GPUs.

  5. Blockchain Explorer Capabilities in RESTful API: The getBlock command now includes transaction-related information, enhancing third-party blockchain explorer functionalities.

  6. File Manager UI dApp: Enhanced to display nested objects more effectively.

  7. Decentralized Proxy Services: Full availability of decentralized proxy services in GRIDNET OS, making the internal web-browser UI dApp operational.

  8. RESTful API Validation: Comprehensive revalidation of the RESTful API, ensuring functionalities like ‘sendTX’ operate as expected.

  9. Balance Command Update: Now displays locked assets and key-block height until release, along with an estimated time for asset release.

  10. eMeeting UI dApp Security: Strengthened against XSS attacks, acknowledging IFreezeNO’s contribution in our Eternal Wallpaper hall of fame.

  11. Chain GridScript Utility Upgrade: Capable of estimating the global network’s computational power and projecting operator earnings and key block production time.

  12. DNS Integration with Core: Core now fetches official bootstrap nodes from the DNS, reducing reliance on hardcoded addresses. This feature is integrated with the Liveness Monitoring system.

  13. Chain Stats Command: Reports estimated global hash-rate and smarter autonomous network condition reporting.

  14. Cold Storage Synchronization Improvements: Enhanced stability in synchronization processes at Cold Storage.

  15. Resync -Local Utility: A new feature in the resync utility allows network resynchronization without external Heaviest Chain Proof delivery, particularly useful in lockdown synchronization modes under attack scenarios or difficult network conditions.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  1. LS GridScript Command: Resolved a bug affecting data throttling during directory content display.

  2. Chain Stats Bug Fix: Corrected an issue where block height was incorrectly used instead of timestamps.

  3. Hard Fork Protocol Enhancement: Improved the Hard Fork Protocol and its semi-automated mechanics.

  4. Chain Flush Verification: Implemented verification access to local settings during chain flush processes.

  5. Enhanced Node Connectivity Logic: Fresh nodes now prioritize connectivity with bootstrap nodes until initial heaviest chain proof is accepted.

  6. Improved Mobile App Support: Added support for fractional values.

  7. Chain Flush Command: Operators can now flush chain-proofs to Cold Storage on demand.

  8. Whoami Command Update: Now indicates if operating as an administrator on the native OS.

  9. Chain Utility Statistics: Enhanced ‘chain’ utility to provide detailed Proof-of-Work difficulty statistics and predictions.

  10. Net Command for Bootstrap Node: GridScript method allowing operators to use ‘net’ command with a ‘boot’ argument for bootstrap node management.

  11. Support for Forks: Improved handling of forks, acknowledging community reports.

  12. Decentralized UI Maintenance Screen: Enhanced display during RESTful API queries and Decentralized Storage API use.

  13. HTTP API Booting Status: Improved booting status visibility when using HTTP APIs during bootstrap sequences.

  14. Cold Storage Space Warning: Added low space warnings in Vitals Monitoring.

  15. Transactions Utility Fix: Resolved an issue with the ‘transactions’ utility not showing transactions under certain conditions.

  16. Miner’s Key-Chain Export: Added functionality for exporting miner’s key-chains.

  17. Operating Identity Setting: Enhanced functionality for setting the operating identity within the key-chain.

  18. Active Identity Display in WhoAmI: Now shows the active identity derived from the Master Key Chain.

  19. Heaviest Chain Proof Verification Progress: Addressed issues in displaying verification progress.

  20. Core Stability Fix: Fixed a crash issue related to RobinHood.h.

  21. HTTP/WWW Sub-System Checks: Added pre-flight checks for internal HTTP/WWW sub-system initialization

In Conclusion

As we forge ahead with GRIDNET Core 1.4.7, we’re not just updating software; we’re shaping a new era of digital autonomy. Your journey with us is invaluable. Together, we’re not just building a platform; we’re crafting a legacy of decentralization and freedom.

Stay bold, stay innovative, and let’s continue to revolutionize the digital world.

Onward to a decentralized tomorrow!

GRIDNET Project Team :earth_africa::sparkles: