GRIDNET Core 1.4.5 Release Notes

GRIDNET Core 1.4.5 Release Notes

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We are excited to announce the release of GRIDNET Core 1.4.5. This update introduces significant changes and improvements across the board. In this detailed account, we’ll walk through each of the notable updates. Minor bug-fixes have been thus omitted for brevity of presentation. Please find below a comprehensive breakdown of the changes, organized into relevant categories for clarity.

Proof-of-Work Difficulty Adjustment Overhaul

Halloween Block Reassessment and Algorithm Hard Forks

  • The event known as the “Halloween Block” prompted a thorough reevaluation of our Proof-of-Work (PoW) difficulty adjustment algorithm.
  • As a result of thorough research and analysis, we’ve explored and internally hard forked three separate proposals and conducted exhaustive internal evaluations to ensure the most effective and fair difficulty adjustment mechanism.

Proof of Work Adjustment Algorithm Rewrite

  • The PoW adjustment algorithm has been completely rewritten, focusing on post-Hard Fork computational power distribution. This change ensures the network remains scalable and nodes are not hindered by pre-fork difficulty levels, enabling a more equitable mining environment post-fork.

  • we’ve further improved the algorithms resilience to rapid Proof-of-Work difficulty fluctuations.

  • the sampling window has been reduced from 48 hours to 24 hours promoting more recent events

  • we’ve tweaked the Alpha coefficient of the Exponential Moving Average algorithm ensuring a half-life of ~75 minutes of each data point in the proof-of-work time series. The coefficient can be experimented with by Operators as will be explained below.

Difficulty Utility Enhancements

  • The ‘diff’ utility has undergone a major overhaul, providing Operators with more in-depth insights and forecasting capabilities regarding the PoW algorithm’s performance under varying parameters.
  • Operators can now contribute more effectively to the algorithm’s future revisions by using the ‘diff’ utility to simulate different scenarios.
  • Access all the new options via the built-in MAN page by executing ‘diff -help’.

Hard Fork Handling

  • A new block type, the Hard Fork Block, has been introduced, which streamlines node synchronization during Hard Forks.
  • This specialized block significantly enhances the network’s resilience during these critical updates, also mitigating attacks vectors where malicious parties would strive to disrupt the procedure unstoppably mining through old versions of the software.
  • for internal usage we’ve introduced huge improvements to the Hard Fork Procedure.

State Repair Mechanisms

  • we’ve increased the surface of faulty events and states in which GRIDNET Core can now intelligently correct its state without a full resynchronization from the Genesis Block
  • the system can now assess the validity of the Verified Chain Proof up to the last known correct point, then attempt to repair the chain from there, saving considerable time and computational resources.

User Interface Improvements

  • Custom Status Bars display has been improved for better visibility and information conveyance.

Data Structure Synchronization

  • Enhanced the mechanisms for maintaining data structure integrity. This is crucial for the Verified Chain Proof, the Heaviest Chain Proof, and various cache structures that are vital for the Core’s continuous operation.

Network Joining and Synchronization

  • Addressed an issue specific to Windows 10 nodes behind NAT, as reported in our community forum. New nodes can now join the network without the problem previously encountered at block 30864. This effectively is a fix to in issue reported over Discord and confirmed by multiple operators at: Node dies after clean install with Local heaviest chain-proof is empty - #4 by vega4
  • Resolved the invalid Perspective root issue, ensuring compatibility with the recent history of events and pre-existing blockchain data.

Performance Optimizations

  • Notifications of new blocks have been optimized to reduce performance overhead.
  • The Binary Encoding Rules (BER) encoding subsystem has been optimized by enabling GRIDNET Core to intelligently store and pre-cache already encoded data bundles, utilizing highly efficient Round Robin hashing techniques. GRIDNET could would intelligently keep track of the frequency of cache hits and decide of whether to keep storing particular entries accordingly.

GRIDNET Core 1.4.5 represents a substantial leap forward in network scalability, algorithmic efficiency, and overall system resilience. This update lays down a solid groundwork for future enhancements and reaffirms our commitment to continuous improvement.

Operators are encouraged to delve into the details of each update and take advantage of the new features and enhancements introduced in this release. As always, we value your feedback and look forward to your contributions to the GRIDNET community.

We thank you for your continued support and participation in the GRIDNET ecosystem. We are especially thankful to Operators who make the magic happen by providing their resources and feedback.

*Please note that this document provides a high-level overview of the changes implemented in GRIDNET Core 1.4.5 and is not exhaustive.