GRIDNET Core 1.4.3 Release Notes
Thank you for your continuous support and feedback! We’re excited to announce the release of GRIDNET Core 1.4.3. Here’s a detailed breakdown of all the updates, improvements, and fixes included in this version.
Download: GRIDNET Core 1.4.3 (from the usual location)
Connectivity Enhancements
- UDT Server Thread Priority: Increased the priority of the UDT server thread responsible for accepting connections, enhancing the efficiency of the connection process.
- Improved Shutdown Mechanics: Refinement in the shutdown process of connections when it’s initiated from within the conversation, ensuring smoother disconnection without any data loss.
- Intelligent Connectivity Scheduling : The new update empowers GRIDNET Core to make informed decisions about connectivity scheduling based on available system resources. This feature ensures that your system always operates at its peak performance.
- Performance Boost: Improved the efficiency of accepting new UDT connections, enabling faster and more reliable peer-to-peer connections.
Timestamp Manipulation Attacks Prevention
- Into the Future: Resilience of GRIDNET Core has been strengthened against attacks that push block timings heavily into the future, ensuring the difficulty adjustment algorithm operates accurately.
- Into the Past: To ensure data integrity, blocks being formed with timestamps in the past will now be rejected. This proactive measure complements the global consensus mechanisms, which have also been refined to deny blocks timestamped in the past relative to the parental block.
System Resource Management
- Dynamic Connections Management: GRIDNET Core now optimally manages connections based on available RAM/CPU. It can now make informed decisions before initiating or accepting a connection, depending on the resources available and the type of connection.
- Enhanced CPU Assessment: The CPU evaluation algorithm now supports multiple cores for both Windows and Linux systems, providing a more accurate performance measurement.
- RAM Memory Assessment: GRIDNET Core now gauges both the total available RAM and its own usage in real-time. This is integrated with the Liveness monitoring sub-system, with warnings added based on RAM utilization levels. Users will now be notified when nearing memory capacity, preventing unexpected crashes or slowdowns.
- Autonomous Firewall: An autonomous firewall rule has been added that issues warnings to remote peers attempting to deliver an excessively long chain-proof, gauged based on the maximum buffer size.
Proof of Work & Error Handling
- Aggressive PoW Adjustment: The Proof of Work adjustment algorithm has been refined to be slightly more aggressive, maintaining fairness and stability across the network.
- Error Notifications Priority: Reduced the priority of certain error notifications, like “scheduling a keep-alive leader notification to [IP ADDRESS]” and “Requesting Conversation Loop exit”, to debug level, decluttering the notification feed for users.
- Checkpoint Retrieval: Resolved an issue where perspectives on the latest block wouldn’t be retrieved if that block was a checkpoint.
Security & Stability Enhancements
- Resisting Node Disruption: Several measures have been implemented to fortify GRIDNET Core against attempts by some operators to hinder the processing of other nodes. Our commitment remains to ensure GRIDNET Core’s decentralized robustness against such strategies.
- UDT Conversation State: Enhanced support for UDT conversations in the ‘initializing’ state. Both reporting and management of these conversations have been refined if they remain in this state for an extended duration.
Thank you for being an integral part of our community. We recommend updating to GRIDNET Core 1.4.3 to benefit from these improvements. As always, your feedback and insights are invaluable. Let’s continue building a more decentralized future together!