There are two issues that I found regarding tools interface.
1st is that gold vein scanner is not working for me. No matter what i press or hold or not press, it always does the same animation - starts to move up towards the camera and then, after something like 1 sec, the same in reverse.
2nd issue is that of mouse buttons. In original minecraft you was able to attack/mine/destroy stuff with left mouse button (does not matter what you are equipped with in your hand) and “USE” item with your right mouse button (if item has USE option) - like block placing, pressing buttons etc. I have noticed that if I equip a wand or a detector, both buttons activate the same feature, which is “USE”
There are two issues that I found regarding tools interface.
1st is that gold vein scanner is not working for me. No matter what i press or hold or not press, it always does the same animation - starts to move up towards the camera and then, after something like 1 sec, the same in reverse.
The metal detector works like this. You press the action button (mouse left-click) and the very moment, the scanner gets activated. It would keep scanning for around ~5 sec. During that time, as you point it towards various directions, the sound would keep changing depending on the current facing angle and distance from the nearest Gold Vein.
Some types of sounds are reserved for when very close to gold, in any case though, the loudness always depends on the momentary facing angle and distance, there is no escaping of that as the loudness is directly controlled by a mathematical function executed with each mouse movement when in scanning mode.
Do note however that ‘scanning’ lasts only for a couple of seconds.
2nd issue is that of mouse buttons. In original minecraft you was able to attack/mine/destroy stuff with left mouse button (does not matter what you are equipped with in your hand) and “USE” item with your right mouse button (if item has USE option) - like block placing, pressing buttons etc. I have noticed that if I equip a wand or a detector, both buttons activate the same feature, which is “USE”
Would you please elaborate a bit more on the existing vs desirable functionality of left and right mouse buttons? Currently one may ‘use’ the currently selected ‘tool’ through the left mouse click (i.e. destroy/ build/ cast spells/ activate metal detector’s scanning).
So, in my instance of Gridcraft, the scanner never gets into “scan mode”. It tries and then it sort of deactivates mid-animation.
As for second issue - in original minecraft, left mouse button was for punch/attack/destroy as it was used with pickaxe or bare hands to destroy blocks, or with weapons to attack stuff. Any tool that was “active” when you pressed left mouse button would be used to attack/destroy block.
Right mouse button was “use” - so if you had and object in your hand that could be used, it would activate it - set fire with flint and tinder, look at compass etc. It was also used to press switches, open doors, access chests and furnaces, toggle levers etc.
Example 1:
Block of wood in front of you, equipped block of dirt in hand. Left mouse button destroys block so you can pick up wood, Right mouse button puts block of dirt on whatever block was targeted.
Example 2:
Doors in front of you, nothing equipped. Left mouse button destroys doors, right mouse button opens doors.
Example 3:
Switch in front of you, flint equipped. Left mouse button destroys switch, right mouse button (if switch is targeted) presses switch, (If switch is NOT targeted) sets fire to whatever was targeted.
I hope that clarifies the original minecraft interface
1st is that gold vein scanner is not working for me.
I’ve created the following thread to tackle the Metal Detector.