Error while making a sacrificial transaction

The error was reported today by @Alpacalypse over Twitter, I’m currently on vacation kindly do assist I was able to reproduce successfully.

Welcome!πŸ¦„ Access to local security storage not granted.
You'll need to authenticate with GRIDNETTokenπŸ”‘ on commit.
Alpacalypse:/ $ bt
Ad-Hoc Transaction formulation began. You may proceed.
Alpacalypse:/ $ sacrifice 100 -GNC
βœ… Sacrifice made!
Previous Balance: 287101.15 GNC (287101154499999959617528 Atto Units)
 New Balance: 287001.15 GNC (287001154499999959617528 Atto Units)
Alpacalypse:/ $ ct
Attempting to Commit the Transaciton..
Sacrificial Transaction of 100 GBUs has βœ“valid semantics.
πŸ™Commencing further..
❎ Aborting Transaction due to an error. You may retry.
Thread Aborted.
[Blockchain Manager]: Exception v: False (could not prepare transaction)

@Major saw it already, hopping onto YouTube LIVE.

I’ve already pin-pointed a cause of this issue. A hot-fix proposal is pending validation.


The issue has been resolved. I’m issuing node update & reboot commands. ETA ~15 minutes.
Results below:

'From every mountainside, let freedom ring.' MLβ™•
        .:/++++++/-/+++++++/:`  `-` ./+++++/:.  -.`       ::. .-:::::::. .::::::
      `:++:.````-:` ``````.+o/  `::`  ````.:++/`-::-`     ::.            .::  `.
      :o+`    ``````       /o+  `::`        `+o: `-::-`   ::. `````````  .::  .+
      ;o/    .++++:`   -::/+/.  `::`         /o/   `.::-.`::..---------. .::  `:
      -o+.    ````     `/o+-    `::`        .+o-     `.-::::. `````````  .::  `/
       -++/-.`..://.    `/o+.   `::` ````.-/++:         `-::.   ```````  .::  `/
        `-//++++/:.       :++.  `.``-/++++/:-`            `.. .--------. .::  `:
            ````           ```      ``````                                    .o

~~ Welcome Anon397😻! WizardsπŸ§™ wishing you a nice stay πŸ™ ~~

Fetching recent Wall messages..
Your session is currently the only active one. Feel at homeβ˜•.
I'm initializing your remote session, please hold on..
Initializng #GridScript VM
[Transaction Manager]: Waiting for myself to become ready..
GridScript 1.0.0
Type "about"for more information. Type "bye"to exit.
Entering SandBox mode.
You've got 10000000 ERGπŸ’° available.
[Transaction Manager]: I'm ready, commencing further..
[Transaction Manager]: Running
Your Decentralized Terminal(DTI) is now ready.  You may proceed.
Views: [CTRL+Q] - chat, [CTRL+W]) - events [CTRL+E] - Shell
Type 'logmein' to authenticate with your πŸ“±
$ cd Alpacalypse
Welcome!πŸ¦„ Access to local security storage not granted.
You'll need to authenticate with GRIDNETTokenπŸ”‘ on commit.
Alpacalypse:/ $ bt
Ad-Hoc Transaction formulation began. You may proceed.
Alpacalypse:/ $ sacrifice 1
βœ… Sacrifice made!
Previous Balance: 287101.15 GNC (287101154499999959617528 Atto Units)
 New Balance: 287101.15 GNC (287101154499999959617527 Atto Units)
Alpacalypse:/ $ ct
Attempting to Commit the Transaciton..
Sacrificial Transaction of 1 GBUs has βœ“valid semantics.
πŸ™Commencing further..
About to show the QR Intent. Resize ↕ the Terminal if needed.
----  SCAN the QR-code below with your GRIDNEToken  ----
 β–ˆ β–„β–„β–„β–„β–„ β–ˆβ–ˆ β–€β–„β–€β–€β–ˆ  β–€ β–€β–„β–ˆ β–€β–€β–ˆ β–„β–ˆβ–€β–„ β–„β–€β–„β–„β–€β–„β–€β–€ β–ˆ β–„β–„β–„β–„β–„ β–ˆ
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No valid QRIntent-Response received. Aborting transaction..
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