Bug report from GRIDNET Core

[DSM-sync]: node is expected to have block u4XJjC9zg3h5d5NdTaVhbQ4dCx9ZbHc5zEjXxA86U2BKvYE5z available..
 [DSM-sync]: Requesting block u4XJjC9zg3h5d5NdTaVhbQ4dCx9ZbHc5zEjXxA86U2BKvYE5z@36012@
 [DSM-sync]: holding on with further downloads..
 [TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Min. # of objects for block formation: 1
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: Adding block u4XJjC9zg3h5d5NdTaVhbQ4dCx9ZbHc5zEjXxA86U2BKvYE5z to processing queue. Position:0
 [DSM-sync]: removing block u4XJjC9zg3h5d5NdTaVhbQ4dCx9ZbHc5zEjXxA86U2BKvYE5z from  the list of hunted blocks..
 [DSM-sync Conversation]: marking request for block  u4XJjC9zg3h5d5NdTaVhbQ4dCx9ZbHc5zEjXxA86U2BKvYE5z from as completed.
 [Block Scheduler]: Validating block for height:36012
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: Processing block (ID: u4XJjC9zg3h5d5NdTaVhbQ4dCx9ZbHc5zEjXxA86U2BKvYE5z )
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: Validating an incoming Regular Block. ID: cn95rbN3GZHheDTSFjD2siRHdCFwUgqrnXFyZDmtqAvCu7bKt
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: Checking block u4XJjC9zg3h5d5NdTaVhbQ4dCx9ZbHc5zEjXxA86U2BKvYE5z for a possible fraud..
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: We've got nothing against the block. Proceeding further..
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: Omitting Flow -  block does not extend current chain.
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: The block was not a Leader Reason: at height which cannot be considered as Leader (as of now) but we're saving the Block to Cold Storage
CRITICAL ERROR. Please report to Wizards: (x), function class CBlockVerificationResult __cdecl CBlockchainManager::doCommonVerification(class std::shared_ptr<class CBlock>), file C:\Users\Dell\Documents\GRIDNET-OS\GRIDNETOS\GRIDNETCore\GRIDNET\BlokchainManager.cpp, line 4175.