Brief Introductory for Operators

CASE: If you face an error along the lines of:“Error: Unable to initialize UDT-Conversations Server”
Reason: another application is listening on port 443 TCP/UDP. Operator, recall that ports 443 TCP and 443 UDP are distinct ports. These ports require separate firewall rules as well. If you run GRIDNET Core as Administrator it would auto-configure the Microsoft Windows Firewall With Advanced Security and thus let both ports through.

However, GRIDNET Core would not attempt to kill other applications already bound and listening on ports it requires. It would show the above error instead.

How to resolve?

  1. launch Windows Terminal as an Administrator (important ! as otherwise you would see no results) and run netstat -anob | findstr ":443"
    It would show all sockets associated with port 443 (both ingress and outgress to remote TLS/HTTP servers)
  UDP    *:*                                    570792
  UDP    [::]:443               *:*                                    570792

above sample output showcases GRIDNET Core listening on port 443 as running as a process of ID 570792.

Had it been another process you would need to kill it first prior to running GRIDNET Core.

How to see which application corresponds to process 570792 above? Simple. Use power-shell as shown below:

PS C:\Users\Dell> Get-Process -Id 570792

Handles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K)     CPU(s)     Id  SI ProcessName
-------  ------    -----      -----     ------     --  -- -----------
   2284      89   403572     397260     242.77 570792   1 GRIDNET Core
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