Block 34705 Issue

tried commands below

sct testnet
net -boot

found this in booting phase 2

 [TestNet:Network Manager]: User provided Bootstrap node ( will be the first one to try.
 Whitelisting IP Address:
 Whitelisting IP Address:
 Whitelisting IP Address:
 [TestNet:Network Manager]: Pre-flight checks for the internal HTTP/WWW sub-system..
 [Networking Assistant]: No process found using port 443
 [Networking Assistant]: No process found using port 80
 Solid Storage: File directory was initialized at: 'C:\Users\m010\AppData\Roaming\GRIDNET'
 Detected valid Certificate and Private-Key!C:\Users\m010\AppData\Roaming\GRIDNET\cert.pem
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: WWW Server (RAW) successfully bound to:
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: WWW Server (TLS) successfully bound to:
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: Note: blockchain formation for Local Sandbox is *NOT* advised except for development and testing.
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: [ Setting-up Network Notifications ]
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: [ Setting-up Local System Notifications ]
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: [ Setting-up Decentralized VM Notifications ]
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: [ Setting-up Debug Info Notifications ]
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: I'm now running
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: [ Setting-up Unknown Notifications ]
 [TestNet:Settings]: keyChain for: 1QEvoe1fxthiz5vHK2x3MPbYFKbHz32c35 was FOUND!
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: Operator's Key-Chain ID:
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: Operator's State Domain ID: 1QEvoe1fxthiz5vHK2x3MPbYFKbHz32c35
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: Note: Your current ID within the network is: 1QEvoe1fxthiz5vHK2x3MPbYFKbHz32c35 use 'getNextID' to generate and set new ID from your key-chain at any moment.
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: Retrieving paths from cache..
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: getting the Chain-Proof from Cold Storage..
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: Verified Chain-Proof retrieved.
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: Validating availability of the recent Perspective..

Seems that i can’t get the chain-proof from . it still read the cold storage in my device.
Another log

 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: Initializing Kademlia-based node discovery..
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: Bootstrapping Peer Discovery Service at
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: Bootstrap peer is set to:
 [TestNet:Network Manager]: created with id '4955b41a67d711a6cc2052aa89cc2ae3eda2a7dd6df1ee9d64de5186d940 (addr): 1QEvoe1fxthiz5vHK2x3MPbYFKbHz32c35'.
 [TestNet:Network Manager]: Network View bootstrapping using peer ''.
 [TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Initiating Mem-Pool clean-up
 [TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Initiating Mem-Pool clean-up
 [TestNet:Network Manager]: Bootstrap node responded.
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: Launching the Kademlia thread..
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: I'll wait for 60 (sec) for peers' discovery..
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: Nr. of discovered peers: 21
 [TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Initiating Mem-Pool clean-up
 [TestNet:Blockchain Manager]: Total number of discovered GRIDNET Core Peers: 21
 [TestNet:Network Manager]: All the enabled communication sub-system INITIALIZED. Commencing further..
 [TestNet:Network Manager]: I'm now running
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: Lo and behold; initializing the Great GRIDNET TestNetSB Blockchain Manager..
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: Note: disabling blockchain formation as data-analysis won't be performed..
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: Note: blockchain formation for Local Sandbox is *NOT* advised except for development and testing.
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: [ Setting-up Network Notifications ]
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: [ Setting-up Local System Notifications ]
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: [ Setting-up Decentralized VM Notifications ]
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: [ Setting-up Debug Info Notifications ]
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: [ Setting-up Unknown Notifications ]
 [TestNetSB:Settings]: keyChain for: 1QEvoe1fxthiz5vHK2x3MPbYFKbHz32c35 was FOUND!
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: Retrieving paths from cache..
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: getting the Chain-Proof from Cold Storage..
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: Verified Chain-Proof retrieved.
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: Validating availability of the recent Perspective..
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: Current perspective available.
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: Heaviest Chain-Proof retrieved.
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: Retrieved body of current Leader block: 2rYY5AGPYHCSLrhiZeJC7AZHogv9TSwcc8ip3heDsQ3NDcBNyR
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: Current Blockchain height: 34704
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: Cached perspective for the current 'check-pointed' Leader has been retrieved: 0
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: Current Effective Perspective: bFzPKiA16iK3XcwgqyTF6DcXJMK7PR3bqy6YYDzGqQJuZ1MPz
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: Testing the main StateTrie DB. This might take some time..
 [TestNet:Transaction Manager]: Initiating Mem-Pool clean-up
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: Finished. There are 1444 State Domains in total.
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: 1444 State Domains found.
 [TestNetSB:Transaction Manager]: Waiting for Blockchain Manager to become ready..
 [TestNetSB:Transaction Manager]: Waiting for myself to become ready..
 [TestNetSB:Transaction Manager]: I'm ready, commencing further..
 [TestNetSB:Transaction Manager]: Waiting for Blockchain Manager to become ready..
 [TestNetSB:Transaction Manager]: Waiting for myself to become ready..
 [TestNetSB:Transaction Manager]: I'm ready, commencing further..
 [TestNetSB:Transaction Manager]: Waiting for Blockchain Manager to become ready..
 [TestNetSB:Transaction Manager]: Waiting for myself to become ready..
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: I'm now running
 [TestNetSB:Blockchain Manager]: Initializing #GridScript (De)Compiler..
 [TestNetSB:Transaction Manager]: I'm ready, commencing further..
 [TestNetSB:Transaction Manager]: Blockchain Manager ready, commencing further..
 [TestNetSB:Transaction Manager]: Running
 [TestNetSB:Transaction Manager]: I'm ready; Firing up block-formation sub-systems! (Key-Blocks:Disabled Data-Blocks:Disabled)
 [TestNetSB:Transaction Manager]: Blockchain Manager ready, commencing further..
 [TestNetSB:Transaction Manager]: Running

Provide this for refer @CodesInChaos @vega4